carp princeton

Returning to My First Promise

Returning to My First Promise

It’s the middle of the night.

You let out a deep sigh as a lonesome tear rolls down your cheek.

“Why did I even decide to do this?” sniffling, you ask yourself.

You feel exhausted, worn out and daunted by the pressure of the lofty goal ahead of you.

Can you do it?

Can you accomplish what your heart is calling you to do?

I understand. I’ve been there. We all have.

CARP Princeton: It's the Year of the Tiger

CARP Princeton: It's the Year of the Tiger

CARP Princeton was officially approved as a new student group on February 9th, 2022 at Princeton University! The fresh chapter will be led by Yujin Angolio as the chapter president and Yoo Shin Tanai as the chapter vice-president, both juniors in their university. The school’s Student Group Recognition Committee (SGRC) approved their group upon receiving requisite documents, an interview meeting, and deliberations by the Senate of the Undergraduate Student Government.