CARP Las Vegas

CARP Las Vegas Culminates the Year with a 5-Day Retreat

CARP Las Vegas Culminates the Year with a 5-Day Retreat

Our 5-day Divine Principle retreat was held from December 17th to December 22nd. Once a semester, we hold this retreat for participants to learn the Divine Principle through presentations, group discussions, and participating in intentional activities. We had a total of nine participants attend. Presentations were based on the impact of Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s life.

The Tribe Talk Podcast Series

The Tribe Talk Podcast Series

A little less than two years have passed since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown. As everything shifted online, so did we. Our discussion nights moved to Zoom and our outreach to social media. It was a challenge, but it brought many positive changes as well. The internet has no limits and we realized the potential it has.