CARP Boston

CARP Boston x Bridgeport: Finding Our Inner Light

CARP Boston x Bridgeport: Finding Our Inner Light

The "Find your Inner Light" retreat was inspired by a collaboration between CARP Boston & Bridgeport to bring the Divine Principle to life through engaging lectures, meaningful fellowship, and heartfelt reflection. This three-day retreat was held at the beautiful Morning Garden property in Gloucester, Massachusetts with the vision to, “Discover who I am to God and deepen my relationship with Him.” There were a total of ten participants and staff which included two new participants from Boston & New York.

CARP Boston Launches "Principles to Live By"

CARP Boston Launches "Principles to Live By"

“Principles to Live By” began as a six-week virtual seminar during 2020, when a group of pastors and young people wished to present the first chapter of the Divine Principle through presentations and discussion groups. Pastors Catherine Ono, Heather Thalheimer, Joe Young, Sunhyun Miller and his dad Professor Wayne Miller, and CARP Boston President Luc Jean all wished to present the Divine Principle through practical, daily applications.

Abbreviated News: CARP Boston Initiates Service in Their Local Community

Abbreviated News: CARP Boston Initiates Service in Their Local Community

On June 12th, CARP Boston held a service project at the Family Federation community of Boston. After asking one of the caretakers of the community about what things needed to be done, seven participants moved items off the roof into the basement. Following that, groups were formed in order to continue beautifying the front entrance of the building, cleaning the back staircase, and vacuuming.