CARP Arizona’s first retreat

Contributed by Rie Fukuzaki

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CARP Arizona State University held a retreat on March 7th. We invited our community as well as our friends who have been studying with us. We focused our topic on “How to Attain Joy” and “The Principles of Creation.” We worked alongside Nayumi Otsuru, from Generation Peace Academy, to prepare the content for the retreat. We were beyond grateful to work alongside her! 

Xhulia Doko, who came to the retreat, shared a testimony based on the question: “What role has God played in your life that brought you happiness?” Xhulia opened up about her personal growth and shared some inspiring motivational points with the group.  

Through having a fruitful discussion about faith, we ultimately wanted to grow our confidence in speaking about what we believe in.This was the perfect opportunity to strengthen our faith by working through the relationships we had with different people during the pandemic. 

As we planned, we were originally only planning for it to be us three, our guest speaker, and those who we invited. 

It was a new experience for CARP AZ overall, and we had so many amazing victories! This was our first time ever having a retreat. After a follow up with participants, many had enjoyed the event.

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