Abbreviated News: CARP Hawai'i hosts first retreat

On November 19th and 20th, CARP Hawai'i held their first two day workshop called “Awaken,” with the hopes of making it a once a semester event. CARP Hawai’i has three core members: Rika Otsubo, Kimi Kawasaki, and Rena Saito. During Awaken, Rika served as the emcee, being able to be flexible and entertain the audience. Kimi and Rena gave presentations along with their advisor, Keiko Nakama. All the participants appreciated the content and received each lecture very well. Two CARP members attended for the first time as well as three local high schoolers. 

Other CARP members helped as well. Shawn Chai took many beautiful photos of the workshop. Reyna Harding and Tamae Seto, though staying in another state during the workshop, contributed in behind-the-scenes preparations, like making flyers and ice breakers.

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