CARP teams up with GPA for Open House

On April 26, CARP America hosted its first ever Open house on April 26th with members of Generation Peace Academy (GPA). GPA is a gap year program for high school graduates or college age youth who want to invest more deeply in their spiritual life. Oftentimes, during their time on GPA, they will support or join a CARP chapter somewhere in the world in their activities. 

Because of the GPA member’s experience, the National CARP staff and the GPA staff felt joining CARP after their time on GPA would be the best next step for the graduating GPA’ers. 

CARP Open House began on Sunday evening. Jinil Fleischman, Interim CARP USA President, gave opening remarks, shared about the broader picture of CARP, and introduced the chapters. Following that, every chapter had the chance to share. We ended with Q&A.

Scheduled were also three follow up calls separated by region for chapters to share more in depth about their activities and connect more closely with interested graduates. The West Coast presented on April 28th. The Southwest chapters hosted on the 29th, and the Midwest and East Coast chapters shared on the 30th. 

“I learned that CARP is a place for me to continue growing in my relationship with God and grow myself to become the best that I can be for my future spouse and family.” - Tatsuhiro Narifusa, GPA 

“It was really nice hearing from CARP chapters all over America, especially because I could see how they centered around the core values and the attitude that they try to uphold in each CARP chapter.” - Yuta Horii, GPA

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